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zDoom 0.12


Ranked as 110 on our all-time top downloads list with 66568 downloads.
Ranked as 16 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 86 downloads.
Ranked as 334 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.10.

Filename zdoom.zip (Download)
Title zDoom 0.12
Description zDoom (formerly Doom83) is an adaptation of Doom on TI-83(+)/84+. It features 4 levels, 3 weapons, game save/restore, enemy AI and a decent challenge.
Authors Alexis GUINAMARD (alexis-guinamard@fr.st)
Guillaume Hoffmann (guillaumh@gmail.com)
Raphaƫl Siryani (ironraph@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/First-person Shooters)
File Size 72,899 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 1 22:38:23 2007
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Jay Song
Reviewed on 2008-07-25
Well so far for my TI-84 plus, I found 2 "DOOM-clones." Those two are the French DOOM (f.DOOM from now on) and the zDoom. So let me compare the two for you. The zDoom has more of the classic "DOOM" look, and plays somewhat like the DOOM we all know and love. On the other hand, the f.DOOM looks somewhat like the orignal DOOM, but the HUD is on the right side. I personally prefer the f.doom's HUD but if you want a classic look download this one. The difficulty is about the same despite the claims that f.doom is harder. (Most people don't know this.) In f.DOOM, you start out with a pistol and a automatic rifle. In zDoom, you acquire the weapons. For more info read my review of f.DOOM.

Concept - 10/10

revive the classic DOOM on your TI-83, and 84+

Playability - 10/10

The controls are simple and easy to memorize, and the difficulty setting actually changes the monster's AI.

Graphics - 9/10

The monsters actually look like the DOOM monsters. 3D engine works nicely here (it takes some time to get used to it if you're new to ASM-3d engine) However, the pillars my seem like a monster and cause you to shoot at them.

Special - 9/10

Fear Factor is nicely put into the game. If you are walking down the alley and you suddenly see your health decline, you turn around, and BAM! a monster's there. It's one of the best moments of caculator gaming.

Replay Value - 10/10

It's a classic!

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
zv   661
tables.z80   3585
sprites.z80   76920
sprites.py   6180
save.z80   1197
readme.txt   6383
rays.z80   5545
newlvl.z80   5517
menu.z80   3142
lzss.z80   1578
lvlcomp.py   2695
lvl.z80   15579
intrrpt.z80   13797
doomrout.z80   41489
doom.z80   8887
doom.83p   16188
doom.8xp   16226
display.z80   21315
compress.py   5477
ai.z80   8178
lvlview/tile_fullammo.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_nothing.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_end.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_mgammo.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_gunammo.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_barrel.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_wall.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_column.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_machinegun.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_health.xbm   118
lvlview/tile_fullhealth.xbm   118
lvlview/lvlview.py   5269

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