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Sprite Maker


Ranked as 4370 on our all-time top downloads list with 7573 downloads.
Ranked as 2807 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename sprmaker.zip (Download)
Title Sprite Maker
Description Converts a variable sized PCX file into the long binary format used by z80 asm. Creates either a new or user specified output file.
Author Harper Maddox (harpermaddox@yahoo.com)
Category Unix Utilities
File Size 4,654 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Nov 5 03:41:31 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Thibault Duponchelle
Reviewed on 2012-02-19
I was looking for a tool like this, and sprmaker is exactly what I wanted.

How I use it :

I firstly resize my sprite or background image as 8x8 or 64x96 using thegimp then I use this tool to do the conversion between image format and asm format (binary).

I use spasm so some other task are required (replace %, add .db and add b) but no problems with substitution in vim.

This tool is nice, a lot of converters doesn't work under Linux (even with wine).

10/10 :)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
sprmaker   7776
sprmaker.c   2734
sprmaker.txt   1027

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