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Prosit v0.80


Ranked as 4792 on our all-time top downloads list with 7236 downloads.

Filename prosit080.zip (Download)
Title Prosit v0.80
Description A graphical multitasking OS.
Author Niklas Brunlid (nbr@ticalc.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Shells (Out-of-date)
File Size 168,167 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 31 16:00:04 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Miles Raymond
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 7/10 Where are the programs for Prosit?
Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 2ND, arrows... how hard is that?
Overall: 9/10 Has excellent potential!

For those of you who do not know what Prosit is, shame on you! Go to http://prosit.ticalc.org/ immediately. Prosit is a multitasking (task-switching) OS/Shell for the TI-89 or TI-92+, although it requires DoorsOS or PlusShell to run for now. The actual zip file contains little documentation, but the website is full of it (this is unfortunate for those who pay for online time or have no internet connection and receive the zip file from someone else).

Prosit is incredibly easy to use, since Prefect changed the 'mouse click' from the alpha button to the 2ND key on the TI-89. Developing for Prosit on the other hand, is extremely complex, especially more so for newbies. You control a virtual 'mouse' with the arrow keys and 'click' by pressing the 2ND button (I think it is the F1 key on the 92+).

Currently there are few actual programs for Prosit, as of the requirements for development. But don't count it out yet. Prosit is the first 'multitasking OS' for any graphing calculator (that I am aware of), so don't worry if few developers create programs for it. Overall, Prosit looks to be a very promising progam and I'd keep my eye on future versions as well as programs for it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
dev_asm/winlib.h   12448
dev_asm/guilib.h   37
dev_asm/keycodes.h   1385
dev_asm/Macros.h   296
dev_asm/prosit.h   9115
dev_asm/calc.h   649
dev_asm/hLINK.EXE   182121
prosit.bat   181
README.txt   903
make.bat   250
progs/shrnklib.9xz   677
progs/shrnklib.89z   677
source/ttt.asm   9185
source/prosit/prosit_event.h   3649
source/prosit/prosit_file.h   2522
source/prosit/prosit_header.h   1262
source/prosit/prosit_keyreader.h   1431
source/prosit/prosit_list.h   2272
source/prosit/prosit_macro.h   6397
source/prosit/prosit_process.h   4988
source/prosit/prosit_scheduler.h   1168
source/prosit/prosit.c   6331
source/winlib/winlib_s.asm   11360
source/winlib/Window structure.txt   4368
source/winlib/winlib.asm   28658
source/winlib/winlib.h   12448
source/winlib/winlib_g.asm   14887
source/winlib/winlib_m.asm   5050
source/winlib/guilib.asm   9557
source/winlib/winlib.c   19901
source/winlib/winlib_mouse.h   5108
source/winlib/winlib_mousebutton.h   1141
source/proboot/proboot.c   2613
source/proboot/proboot.asm   7921
source/test.asm   79
source/test.9xz   149
source/wmlib/wmlib.c   2710
source/gmlib/gmlib.c   3535
source/statline.asm   6629
source/contrast.asm   3358
dev_c/prosit.h   7580
dev_c/romcalls.h   45467
dev_c/winlib.h   4230
dev_c/wmlib.h   383
dev_c/gmlib.h   1732
bugs and ideas/proboot.txt   921
bugs and ideas/prosit.txt   269
bugs and ideas/Window structure.txt   1052
bugs and ideas/winlib.txt   886
gmlib.9xz   1315
gmlib.89z   1315
proboot.9xz   715
proboot.89z   715
prosit.9xz   3177
prosit.89z   3177
winlib.9xz   4995
winlib.89z   4987
wmlib.9xz   1115
wmlib.89z   1115

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