Galaxian v1.0
Ranked as 1272 on our all-time top downloads list with 14631 downloads. Ranked as 14989 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Benjamin Stauffer
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 Addictive game Controls: 10/10 Basic is 10, Classic is around 7. Implementation: 9/10 A very well-implemented game. Overall: 9/10 A great game for anyone.
Galaxian 1.0 is a port for ION on the TI-83 or 83+ calculators. It is based off the classic arcade game of the same name, and plays very much like Space Invaders. You have a bunch of alien ships at the top part of the screen, and your ship is at the bottom of the screen. Your ship has ammo, and your goal is to make your ammo hit the enemy. Their goal is to make their ammo hit you.
This is a simple game, but actually very interesting and well-implemented on the 83. Two versions are included in the ZIP file: a version with "classic" controls (from the 85 version), and a version with basic controls, which are better adapted to the 83. The graphics are, if nothing else, decent, and different types of enemies aren't easily confused. The game runs fast, and takes up a reasonable amount of space (4626 bytes). One of the best things of all is a quit-and-save feature (hit DEL during the game, and it will quit the game and you can come back to it later). The game has 20 levels, but I'm still stuck on level 15 (those stupid light fighters..)
How could the game be better? There are a few ways. First off, it doesn't always display the "You got a high score, enter your name:" text when you get a game over, which isn't bad but still somewhat irritating. I'm don't believe there's a way to get extra lives by getting certain amounts of points, and I sure wish it were possible. Speaking of lives, I wish your lives were displayed while you were playing the game (possibly in the upper-right-hand corner), so you didn't have to pause to see how many you had left.
Overall, though, this is a very good game. If you're looking for a good space-shooter game, this is definitely one for you. |
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Archive Contents
GALAXAN2.83P | 4686 |
galaxan2.8xp | 4697 |
GALAXIAN.83P | 4682 |
galaxian.8xp | 4693 |
GALAXIAN.DOC | 19997 |
GALAXAN2.Z80 | 54050 |
GALAXIAN.Z80 | 53989 |