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final fantasy destination v1.5x


Ranked as 1121 on our all-time top downloads list with 15804 downloads.
Ranked as 12769 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ffd89.zip (Download)
Title final fantasy destination v1.5x
Description A very well-done clone of the popular Final Fantasy series of games.
Author Destination Software (dsoft@calc.org)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 37,295 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jun 1 19:12:06 2001
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Hieu-Trung Le
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 9/10 Lasted me about 10 hours.
Controls: 10/10 As simple as it can get for an RPG.
Implementation: 10/10 Similiar to Final Fantasy series.
Overall: 10/10 Excellent, best BASIC RPG seen.

For most people, the name Final Fantasy is very common on their mind. Everyone knows that the Final Fantasy series are great Role-Playing Games for the Super Nintendo and the Playstation. Well, then, you ask, what does this have anything to do with this game I am reviewing? Well this game is similiar to the Final Fantasy series.

In this game, you are a character, represented by a dot on the screen, and must go around the area of the game to fight and defeat monsters who threaten to kill the few remaining people living there. Since this game is written in BASIC, the graphics aren't all that to cheer for, although it is still very fast and good for a BASIC game. You also can save the game with 2 seperate files.

The battle system is simple; when you fight a monster, you just exchange blows with each other until one dies. If you win, you get experience points to gain level and money to buy items. Of course as your level rises, so does your hit point and mana points. In the game there are about 10 monsters that you will battle (maybe more because I haven't finished the game).

There are about 10 weapons and armors to choose from.

The controls are very simple. You use the arrow keys to move around. To access a menu so you can save the game and check your stats, press the APPS button. During a battle, a menu will pop up to allow you to choose your action, Attack, use Magic, use Item, or Run.

This is a very good game with minimal bugs (the least amount of bugs I have seen compared to those other RPGs). Destination Software has a bright future with RPGs since they are great at making them. A must download for all RPG fans.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
list.txt   1170
ffd.89g   62479
ffd.doc   42496
ffdmanual.txt   13592
contact.txt   406

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