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Jones In The Fast Lane v1.92.12


Ranked as 687 on our all-time top downloads list with 21670 downloads.
Ranked as 2353 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename jones.zip (Download)
Title Jones In The Fast Lane v1.92.12
Description This is the TI version of the old Sierra game. In Jones, you start as a living-being with nothing but your brains and, luckily, a few cloths. From here you will have to look for a job to pay for your food / expenses. But you will also need to study if you ever want to get out of that work-to-pay-my-food cycle. Ultimately, you'll need a kickass job to pay for all the things in this simplified life. It's a very simple concept: At the beginning of the game you determine what your goals are, the higher your goals, the longer the game. After that each person has a number of hours a week to spend on Education, Working, Relaxation and Walking from place to place.
Author Frédéric Brown (brown.frede@gmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Games
File Size 46,587 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 8 18:49:22 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
JONES.9XG   64206
92+/JONES/about.9xp   291
92+/JONES/apply.9xp   743
92+/JONES/bank.9xp   2637
92+/JONES/board.9xp   2660
92+/JONES/broker.9xp   3367
92+/JONES/burger.9xp   1473
92+/JONES/ccheck.9xp   361
92+/JONES/clearw.9xp   224
92+/JONES/eat.9xp   366
92+/JONES/empl.9xp   10481
92+/JONES/facto.9xp   242
92+/JONES/game.9xp   1496
92+/JONES/goal.9xp   953
92+/JONES/gotdlg.9xp   158
92+/JONES/help.9xp   117
92+/JONES/house.9xp   497
92+/JONES/infl.9xp   240
92+/JONES/ini.9xp   156
92+/JONES/jones.9xp   365
92+/JONES/less.9xp   159
92+/JONES/main.9xp   890
92+/JONES/market.9xp   1462
92+/JONES/mart.9xp   3327
92+/JONES/menu.9xp   117
92+/JONES/message.9xp   5089
92+/JONES/name.9xs   93
92+/JONES/new.9xp   972
92+/JONES/notime.9xp   202
92+/JONES/panel.9xp   301
92+/JONES/paper.9xp   3391
92+/JONES/pdir.9xp   248
92+/JONES/pnl.9xp   447
92+/JONES/poorw.9xp   141
92+/JONES/prices.9xp   2790
92+/JONES/qt.9xp   1018
92+/JONES/raise.9xp   132
92+/JONES/reas.9xp   261
92+/JONES/refused.9xp   247
92+/JONES/rent.9xp   935
92+/JONES/same.9xp   162
92+/JONES/setting.9xp   1043
92+/JONES/socket.9xp   1989
92+/JONES/stats.9xp   3429
92+/JONES/trash.9xp   117
92+/JONES/univ.9xp   2526
92+/JONES/var.9xp   1152
92+/JONES/ver.9xs   101
92+/JONES/wage.9xp   1195
92+/JONES/weekend.9xp   5407
92+/JONES/work.9xp   699
92+/OS/crashlib.9xp   385
92+/P1/pid1.9xs   101
92+/P2/pid2.9xs   101
92+/P3/pid3.9xs   101
92+/P4/pid4.9xs   101

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