Yoshi 83 v1.1
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Yoshi 83 v1.1
This an updated version of Yoshi83. It now works on the 83+ too and is much smaller.
Brandon Sterner (bsterner@yahoo.com)
TI-83 Assembly Games (Ion)
File Size
5,623 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Aug 26 03:25:33 1999
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Review by
Benjamin Stauffer
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 Once you start, you can't stop. Controls: 10/10 Easy to learn, very good. Implementation: 10/10 Very true to the NES version. Overall: 10/10 A game no TI-83 should be without.
Yoshi is a puzzle game originally made for the Nintendo Entertainment System starring Mario and the green dinosaur we've all come to know and love, Yoshi. In the original game, blocks would fall into a pit not unlike that of the Tetris playing field onto four trays at the bottom. Mario could switch these trays around so that the blocks would land on matching ones, eliminating the pair from the field.
Yoshi 83 for ION is a remake of the NES game for the TI-83 or 83+ calculators running the ION shell. Instead of falling down, the pieces move from the right to the left sides of the screen, with your trays at the left side. This would seem weird, compared to the original, but it actually works very well. Instead of Mario, a set of arrows is there to switch the trays at your command. Considering what you could do on a Nintendo compared to an 83, this is a very well-made game.
Each game has minor things that could've been better, and there are one or two things here. A feature letting the player save his/her position temporarily (like ZTetris does) would have been good, for those times you're doing really well and suddenly get interrupted. Multiplayer would've also been an interesting addition. But there isn't really anything the game does has that could've been done better.
Overall, Yoshi is a very good game, and I highly recommend it. |
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Archive Contents
Yoshi83.txt | 2792 |
yoshi.8xp | 2578 |
YOSHI.83P | 2576 |