Tetris Attack v1.1
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attack86.zip (Download)
Tetris Attack v1.1
Tetris attack like on the gameboy. This was ported from the 83 by aaron curtis. this has nothing to do with tetris.
Brandon Sterner (bsterner@yahoo.com)
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
5,635 bytes
File Date and Time
Fri Jun 11 01:45:39 1999
Documentation Included?
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Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 You'll play it a lot. Puzzle mode will drive you crazy and keep you coming back. Controls: 6/10 Sideways controls are hardly intuitive, and the cursor moves way too quickly. Implementation: 9/10 A very nice port of a great game. Overall: 8/10 A very cool game.
Tetris Attack v1.1, originally by Brandon Sterner and ported to the TI-86 by Aaron Curtis, is a clone of the popular gameboy game of the same name. Note that this game has nothing to do with Tetris. There are two modes to the game: endless and puzzle. In endless mode, it is a race against time to keep the blocks from hitting the top (side, actually) of the screen. In puzzle mode, you are given a certain number of moves in which to eliminate all the blocks on the screen. In order to move blocks, move the cursor over two blocks you want to switch (or one block and an empty space) and hit second. There are 60 puzzle levels, and each one gives you a password so that you can restart on that level if you choose to quit.
This game is a very well-done port of the TI-82/83 versions. The layout is very nice, and the variety of features and options keep the game fairly fresh. I did have some problems with endless mode, however. The cursor moves entirely too fast, making it hard to control which blocks you are moving, and causing frequent accidental swaps. This makes it extremely hard to keep up with the blocks which keep appearing at the bottom (left) of the screen. Also, the blocks take a bit long to disappear, which like the fast-moving cursor just makes endless mode even more difficult. In addition, it's kind of annoying that everything goes sideways, but I guess you can't really do anything about that.
Although there are a couple problems with endless mode, this version of Tetris Attack is well worth the download. It is a fairly large program (over 6k), but will provide a lot of gameplay. Puzzle mode can be quite addictive. |
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