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TI-89/92 FTP Proxy 1.0b


Ranked as 4920 on our all-time top downloads list with 7174 downloads.
Ranked as 2021 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.

Filename ftpd89-1.0b.tgz (Download)
Title TI-89/92 FTP Proxy 1.0b
Author Dan Eble (eble@ticalc.org)
Category Unix Utilities
File Size 17,526 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 2 18:09:01 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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       403 1999-05-01 22:34 ftpd89/Makefile
      8465 1999-05-01 05:06 ftpd89/Packet.cpp
      2517 1999-05-01 05:05 ftpd89/Packet.h
      4809 1999-05-01 22:55 ftpd89/README
      1326 1999-04-30 02:29 ftpd89/Var.h
       188 1999-05-01 05:10 ftpd89/calcids.h
       606 1999-05-01 06:17 ftpd89/config.h
     23972 1999-05-01 06:31 ftpd89/ftp.cpp
       325 1999-04-28 20:34 ftpd89/ftp.h
       915 1999-04-22 09:59 ftpd89/keysyms.h
      7055 1999-05-01 04:38 ftpd89/main.cpp
       572 1999-04-25 19:03 ftpd89/set_tigl.c
     13155 1999-05-01 05:47 ftpd89/ti89util.cpp
       678 1999-05-01 04:32 ftpd89/ti89util.h

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