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Virtual TI v2.5 beta 5


Ranked as 1 on our all-time top downloads list with 1538635 downloads.
Ranked as 31 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 54 downloads.
Ranked as 357 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.97.

Filename vti.zip (Download)
Title Virtual TI v2.5 beta 5
Description The ultimate TI calculator emulator. Emulates the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 II, and TI-92 Plus. Features a graphical debugger, grayscale, send/receive, black-link, parallel link and much more!
Author Rusty Wagner (rusty@acz.org)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 1,243,881 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 19 00:49:16 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Bayley Wang
Reviewed on 2010-03-15
There was a day when Virtual TI was not only the best calculator emulator, it was the only emulator outside of TI's official SDK. However, this is no longer the case. These days, VTI is outdated and outclassed by nearly all of the other TI emulators (it doesn't even have FlashApp support!). People should try other emulators out there, such as WabbitEmu, TilEm, PindurTI, or TIEmu (for 68k emulation).

Rating: 3/10. Should be a 1 out of 10 because of all those other emulators out there, but +2 for historical value. I strongly recommend you use something else (WabbitEmu is an excellent choice).

See 4 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Vti.exe   418304
Vti.txt   10999
ti82.skn   52524
ti89.skn   130033
ti86.skn   102938
ti85.skn   82262
ti83.skn   59197
ti92.skn   193951
ti83plus.skn   62540
skin.exe   174080
Vti.cpp   15959

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