Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.6
Ranked as 1035 on our all-time top downloads list with 16567 downloads. Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Classic Zelda gameplay on a calculator. What more do you want? Controls: 7/10 Responsive and quick, although difficult at times. Implementation: 7/10 Tiles and sprites are too big for the small-screen TI-83. I'd like to see this ported to the larger screen of the 92. Overall: 9/10 The incredible graphics make this look almost like Link's Awakening, if the Game Boy had a screen this low-res.
This is a clone of the classic Zelda games. It's very obvious from the first screen that this isn't one of those older Zelda clones with Link being an X fighting wars with the Os on a field filled with omegas. The graphics look EXACTLY like the SNES and Game Boy Zeldas. Unfortunately, the tiles are so large that each screen is only about 5x5 tiles.
Gameplay, again, is almost just like the SNES. You're Link, who swings his sword at things, and they drop hearts/rupees/etc. There are a few problems, such as that monsters are transparent, which makes them look a bit odd (not to mention hard to see) when walking over anything other than plain white landscape. There's also the problem that the sword swings too fast for you to know exactly what you're hitting.
The current overworld seems fairly varied, but the dungeon is basically a connected series of rooms with no features except for four walls, doors, a monster, and an occasional treasure chest.
At any rate, this is one of the better games I've seen, and it's only 6700 bytes at the moment, giving it lots of room to expand. Once it gets expanded to include the full game, it'll probably be one that everyone wants on their calculator. |
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