Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.6
Ranked as 2016 on our all-time top downloads list with 11134 downloads. Ranked as 3426 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
Matt Adler
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 You'll beat the demo a few times before you take it off your calc. Controls: 10/10 Great. Implementation: 10/10 Worthy of the Zelda title. Overall: 9/10 A great, short demo with good controls and graphics.
Zelda 82 looks very promising. Although it's only a demo, it looks great and is very fun. Originally coded by Harper Maddox, he quit the project and handed it over to Sam Heald. He is doing a great job on it so far. The graphics look great, especially for not having grayscale. It lacks this because TI-82's don't handle them very well. There is a lot of flickering involved in TI-82 grayscale graphics. But still, Zelda 82 has graphics very similar to Gameboy's Link's Awakening's graphics. The sprites maybe a bit large, but they have to be considering the lower resolution.
The controls are very good: [2nd] to use the sword and [Alpha] to use the boomerang (when you find it). Currently there is a very small map with only one medium-sized dungeon. It's a pretty short game, but overall I like it alot. The graphics are cool, and it can be emulated on the TI-86 (on which I think it looks better) using ASE. |
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