Puissance 4
Ranked as 2901 on our all-time top downloads list with 9183 downloads. Ranked as 3833 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 5/10 Connect 4 is a very childish game. Controls: 8/10 2nd should send down pieces, not enter. Implementation: 7/10 A decent version of connect 4. Overall: 6/10 Don't waste your memory.
Puissance 4, by Philippe Gervaise a.k.a. CandyMan, is, in a nutshell, Connect 4. The author is French, and, as he said "the title is in French because I don't know the English title."
The objective of the game is to get four (or more) of your pieces connected vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Gameplay alternates between player 1 (white) and player 2 (black). The player must drop their piece in one of the eight columns, strategically blocking their opponent while at the same time setting themself up for a win.
Because it's a two-player game made to be played on the same calculator, the game is obviously kind of slow because players are constantly passing the calculator back and forth. The gameplay itself is rather simple anyway. Unless you're a die-hard Connect Four fan, you probably shouldn't bother with this game. |
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