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The Fargo Program Launcher


Ranked as 9444 on our all-time top downloads list with 4963 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename fpl.zip (Download)
Title The Fargo Program Launcher
Author David Kuehling (dvdkhlng@gmx.de)
Category TI-92 Assembly Misc. Programs (Fargo II)
File Size 16,551 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 16 22:53:34 2023
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Nature Leseul
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Suitability: 10/10 Well designed and optimized to take up only a small fraction of memory.
Ease-Of-Use: 10/10 If you can hit up, down, and Enter, you shouldn't have any trouble here.
Overall: 10/10 FPL is the future. FBrowser shall be no more.

Fargo really hasn't had a lot of development of shells apart from the FBrowser shell packaged with it. Doors has been around for a while, but I personally wasn't able to use it.

Fortunately, the Fargo Program Launcher is quite easy to use. It has the same basic features as FBrowser - menu of files on the left, program description on the right. The controls are basically the same as well. It does more than FBrowser, however. It also provides a list of libraries required for each program, which does save the headache of frantically transferring every single library in the archive to your calc trying to get the cool new game to work. (Although it does show "tios" for a required lib, which one would think would be rather obvious...) According to the documentation, it also has some features in it that help keep the calculator from crashing in some occasions. I haven't actually seen these work, but it's rather difficult to tell when a calculator is not crashing.

The documentation also promises a couple of interesting feautres in the future, including a way to compress programs and execute them through the shell, which certainly sounds useful.

The file browsing functions are contained in a separate library called brwselib, which is probably useful for any future program authors who need file browsing capability in their programs. Both FPL and brwselib together take up only about 2500 bytes, which is actually a bit less than FBrowser does. (Don't pay attention to the "14K" next to it in the file archives; that's mostly source code and such.)

I strongly recommend this program. It does all that FBrowser does, and more. It seems like a fairly good candidate for the next thing that people'll see on every TI-92 when they hit the now-famous Shift-On combo.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
brwselib.h   10506
FPL.s   25090
fpl.92p   2035
brwselib.92p   1522
fpl.txt   5159

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