BlackJack v1.0
Ranked as 5998 on our all-time top downloads list with 6479 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 Blackjack is a pretty mindless card game to begin with. Controls: 7/10 2nd vs. Enter Implementation: 8/10 Nice graphics, bug free. Overall: 7/10 About as good as blackjack can get
If you havent played Blackjack, the game is very simple. The objective is to try to attain a total of 21 with your cards (face cards equal 10). In order to obtain your goal, you should hit when you are dealt low cards, and stay when you are dealt high ones.
This version is fairly pretty graphical and fairly well done. Hiscore and winning percentage are kept. The cards are large and clear. Occasionally, some of the face card graphics glich.
However, the nature of blackjack to begin with is rather pointless. In a sense, your are playing a random number generator versus a random number generator. Winning is based very little on skill (despite what you may have heard in Vegas Vacation), and entirely based on luck.
This version is essentially bug free except Aces can only count for 1 not 11. I would have liked to see a better way of placing your bets. When you want to place a high wager(1000+), it takes 30+ seconds for the bet total to reach that high. Then after a hand, the total goes back to 10 so you have to wait 30 more seconds. |
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Archive Contents
BJACK.82P | 2382 |
BJACK.ASM | 20518 |
BJACK.TXT | 1397 |