--==7G==-- v3.2
Ranked as 6175 on our all-time top downloads list with 6391 downloads. Ranked as 327 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 28 downloads.
Review by
Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on
Overall Rating-8/10 Great ---------------------------------- Gameplay-7/10 Great Graphics-8/10 Great Speed-10/10 Outstanding ---------------------------------- 7G is an extremely fast paced game! The graphics are wonderful, and work perfectly with this type of game. Most of 7G is comprised of dodging the cave walls with a jet. There are many different difficulty levels, so the game never gets "too easy" or "too hard". With each difficulty level, there are new obstacles. For example, in the hardest difficulty level there are mines that you have to dodge. Unfortunately, there are some issues this game has: 1) It is too fast to see the mines, 2) Dodging the mines is almost impossible because of the speed, and 3) The cave walls, however, are easily dodged. In other words, if you love fast paced games that force you to act quickly, then you will like this game, but if youre like me, then you'll find this game kind of boring at times. Anyways, have Fun and Happy Downloading! |
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