Super Mario 86 v0.91
Ranked as 102 on our all-time top downloads list with 70541 downloads. Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads. Ranked as 157 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.47.
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Super Mario 86 v0.91
Clone of the classic game for the Nintendo. Features grayscale, fast scrolling, sound, enemies, external levels, and an on-calc level editor.
Bill Nagel (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
16,507 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Aug 4 03:38:39 1998
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Sean Hilty
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 This game is still on my TI-86, and probably will remain there for some time. Also, if I get bored of the levels, I can just go download a new level set. Controls: 9/10 The only problem with the controls is that if the jump button is held down, you pogo up and down rapidly. This is a little annoying. Implementation: 10/10 Mario is pretty much exactly like the video games of the same name. Overall: 10/10 There isn't much more that can be added for version 1.0 (Except maybe Mario being able to throw fireballs when he gets a fire flower.)
Super Mario is a smooth side scrolling action game where you try to get through the levels. It features external levels which can be created with the included level editor, leaving nearly unlimited play options. Levels can also be downloaded from the web. The title screen is greyscale, but the actual game is not. However, the graphics are very good for a black and white game. Mario also features power up mushrooms, animated question boxes, and sound.
There is not much not to like about Mario. The only real problems are that if you hold the jump button down, Mario rapidly bounces up and down, and that sometimes enemies move to where a bush is and become very hard to see. The levels that come with the game are fairly challenging, but not enough to make one stop playing it. The program is somewhat large, but it does not take up an excessive amount of memory. The level set that is included takes up 1607 bytes. |
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Archive Contents
mario.txt | 5629 |
mario.86g | 10052 |
meditor.86g | 5546 |