FallDown v1.3
Ranked as 3331 on our all-time top downloads list with 8574 downloads. Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Eric Sun
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 Great replay value. Controls: 10/10 Good controls. Implementation: 8/10 Lacking features, but still fun. Overall: 9/10 A great game in a little space.
FallDown is one of those games that never get old. You are a ball that is falling through a barrage of random lines, and the object of the game is to avoid hitting the top of the screen. It is impossible to beat; the holes just keep getting smaller and smaller. Hence, you try to get a high a score as possible. FallDown is well-programmed, small, and has good replay value.
FallDown for the 83 has fewer features than other versions of FallDown, such as for the 89. There are no blocks that make the ball go faster or slower, and it is a much simpler game. However, these lack of features do not detract from the overall fun of the game. Even though it's relatively easy to cheat in this game (no, I'm not going to say how), it's a real pleaser anytime you have a few minutes (or even a few seconds) to kill. |
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Archive Contents
readme.txt | 2409 |
FDOWN.83G | 1227 |
fdown.asm | 8853 |