Fernando 3-C and Level Editor Release 0.29
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Archive Contents
FER3.TXT | 17455 |
edit.txt | 15235 |
Fer3edit.89z | 6883 |
Fer3C.89z | 17869 |
Edit/LEVEL.EXE | 18528 |
Edit/MKWORLD.EXE | 12896 |
Edit/BOSS.EXE | 15904 |
Edit/World2/WORLD2.9xz | 15629 |
Edit/World2/WORLD2.92p | 15617 |
Edit/World2/LIAISON.DAT | 200 |
Edit/World2/Graph.d32 | 6528 |
Edit/World2/TEST.D32 | 10112 |
Edit/World2/WORLD2.89Z | 15611 |
Edit/World3/TEST.D32 | 10112 |
Edit/World3/LIAISON.DAT | 200 |
Edit/World3/Graph.d32 | 5504 |
Edit/World3/WORLD3.92p | 8989 |
Edit/World3/WORLD3.89Z | 9001 |
Edit/World3/WORLD3.9xz | 9001 |
Edit/Old/Convert.bat | 170 |
Edit/Old/Level.bin | 2 |
Edit/Sprite32.exe | 10944 |
Edit/Sprite16.exe | 10816 |
Edit/World1/LIAISON.DAT | 200 |
Edit/World1/Graph.d32 | 5760 |
Edit/World1/TEST.D32 | 10112 |
Edit/World1/WORLD.9xz | 22145 |
Edit/World1/WORLD.89Z | 22145 |
Edit/World1/WORLD.92p | 22133 |
Edit/CALCTLVL.EXE | 6928 |
Edit/MyLevel.asm | 313 |
Edit/World4/TEST.D32 | 10112 |
Edit/World4/readMe.txt | 58 |
Edit/World4/Graph.d32 | 10368 |
Edit/Convert.exe | 6208 |
Edit/MLAddon.bat | 529 |
Edit/MyLAddon.asm | 543 |
Edit/MLevel.bat | 334 |
Fer3edit.92p | 6628 |
Fer3C.92p | 17085 |
Fer3C.9xz | 17601 |
Fer3edit.9xz | 6847 |
PK92LIB.89z | 579 |
Bonus.txt | 634 |
pk92lib.9xz | 579 |
Pk92lib.92p | 579 |
MyLevel.92p | 11996 |
MyLevel.9xz | 12019 |
MyLevel.89z | 11143 |
Sources/Example.asm | 1116 |
Sources/Fer3C.asm | 99699 |
Sources/Fer3edit.asm | 11460 |
Sources/FargoII.h | 1134 |
Sources/FullScr.s | 3510 |
Sources/SplitS.s | 3120 |
Sources/fer3c.h | 9583 |
Sources/FullScr.h | 1589 |
Sources/H89.h | 997 |
Sources/Macros.h | 550 |
Sources/Plus92.h | 1000 |
Sources/SplitS.h | 1433 |
Sources/Sprite.h | 6110 |
Sources/TinyScr.h | 2036 |
Sources/TEST.P92 | 3817 |
Sources/Enm0.s16 | 416 |
Sources/Enm1.s16 | 576 |
Sources/ENM2.S16 | 640 |
Sources/Fernand.s16 | 1696 |
Sources/MKWORLD.PAS | 7184 |
Sources/CALCTLVL.PAS | 1754 |
Sources/CONVERT0.PAS | 3159 |
Sources/LEVEL.PAS | 18823 |
Sources/BOSS.PAS | 14115 |
Sources/SPRITE.PAS | 14131 |
Sources/Sprite.asm | 3664 |
Sources/level.lvl | 8196 |
Sources/Level.wld | 94 |
Sources/Graph.d32 | 5760 |
FER3C-F.92p | 17209 |
FER3C-F.9xz | 17737 |
Conseil.txt | 4895 |