Sqrxz 82 Beta 2
Ranked as 9045 on our all-time top downloads list with 5093 downloads. Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 Good game, large size Controls: 7/10 Scrolling hinders Implementation: 7/10 External level support, but no compression Overall: 8/10 Good game.
This is a very well done Mario-Clone. You run, you jump, you stomp the enemies into the ground. There is a speed selector so speed is not a problem. The gameplay is very well done. External levels are supported.
However, this game is rather poor compared to its 83 counterpart. Level compression has yet to be impliment, so don't expect to keep much of anything else on your calc. The scrolling leaves much to be desired. Unlike Penguins, the character moves forward, then it scrolls in an attempt to catch up. Another thing I can't understand is the sausages. They appear to serve no other purpose in the game other than to trick you into dying. Editor's Note: With 100 sausages you are supposed to get an extra life. The point here is that it was not possible to get 100 sausages. |
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Archive Contents
sqrxzwd2.82P | 3905 |
sqrxzwd1.82P | 4144 |
sqrxzwd3.82P | 4226 |
tests2.z80 | 86125 |
SQRXZB2.82P | 9015 |
readme.txt | 1123 |