First Fantasy II: Pokewalrus (Magenta Version)
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First Fantasy II: Pokewalrus (Magenta Version)
First Fantasy II: Pokewalrus is one of the largest TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE calculator game available. It is a RPG inspired by the Pokemon, The Reign of Legends and Illusiat series and serves as an indirect sequel to Darkblasters for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus monochrome calculators and First Fantasy: Mana Force for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE (Python models included). Set over 1000 years past two apocalypses, you live in a world where almost everything is a walrus due to radioactive fallout causing widespread mutations over time. Walruses in this world battles as many species for fame and it is now your day. However, a threat also seems nearby and it is possible that the future of this world lies in your hands. There are 15 dungeons, a large overworld map, 23 different attack moves, 2 healing spells, 306 playable characters spanning 10 elemental classes and open-world exploration. This fix to Magenta Version addresses issues with unlocking the final dungeon, extra credits information, some display bug during transitioning from one room to another from the right and adds poisonous attributes to the NEEDLE attack move. Requires Celtic CE library located at .
Dream of Omnimaga (
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size
110,378 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Sep 13 15:05:50 2023
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Archive Contents
POKEWALR.8xp | 24486 |
WALDATAA.8xp | 27666 |
WALDATA.8xp | 225 |
WALDATA1.8xp | 28449 |
WALDATA4.8xp | 32485 |
WALDATA6.8xp | 38000 |
WALDATAB.8xp | 33691 |
WALDATAE.8xp | 27929 |
WALFONT.8xp | 3398 |
WALMAPS0.8xp | 26493 |
WALRIDEX.8xp | 6142 |
WALBATTL.8xp | 6812 |
WALDATA2.8xp | 26499 |
WALDATA5.8xp | 34802 |
WALDATA7.8xp | 27115 |
WALDATA8.8xp | 33038 |
WALDATAD.8xp | 30685 |
WALDATAG.8xp | 13773 |
WALMAPS.8xp | 24144 |
WALDATA3.8xp | 29258 |
WALDATA9.8xp | 34335 |
WALDATAC.8xp | 28346 |
WALDATAF.8xp | 31247 |
WALMAPS2.8xp | 37705 |
WALREDRW.8xp | 346 |
README.txt | 12584 |