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Ranked as 38492 on our all-time top downloads list with 411 downloads.
Ranked as 1798 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 11 downloads.

Filename solverx.zip (Download)
Description This program solves polynomials using the Solve(-function. To avoid getting the same value it divides the function with the factors as it goes, Solve(y1,x, {-100,100}->A, Solve(y1/(x-A),x, {-100,100}->B. It can repeat this process up to four times, but it can also combine the roots to solve equations of a higher degree than four, as you can see from the screenshots. The program can find second degree factors like: {2,-8,-7}, {1,8,-1} etc. It can also find factors like 5x^6 -3, all the way down to 2x-1.There is a subroutine, SOLVSUB, which has 955 bytes, while the main program has 608 bytes, a total of 1563 bytes. If the program stops with an ERROR: NO SIGN CHANGE, press 1 to quit then, and if there is information missing, check list4, as seen in a screenshot. Sometimes the program factors the equation into both linear and quadratic factors, as seen in one other screenshot. A couple of bugs has been corrected in this version.
Author Anders Tiberg (anders.tiberg@telia.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 6,417 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 26 16:46:46 2023
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SOLVERX.rtf   1553
SOLVERX-1.png   734
SOLVERX-2.png   879
SOLVERX-3.png   1080
SOLVERX-4.png   1098
SOLVERX.8xp   668
SOLVSUB.8xp   1015

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