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Blast Calculator Security Suite


Ranked as 37341 on our all-time top downloads list with 839 downloads.
Ranked as 2588 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename blastccs.zip (Download)
Title Blast Calculator Security Suite
Description **Early Access Alpha** *scanner fixed* A suite of calculator security tools that actually functions, unlike many of the fake tools that just search for names like VIRUS, or don't scan at all. This program already has the ability to: - Save and update a database of all Programs or Protected Programs on your calculator, consisting of their names, sizes, and a 24-bit checksum. - Compare the current version of the program with the version in the database, and inform you if the size or checksum don't match. - Ability to scan your programs/protected programs for byte sequences that are potentially hazardous, via a virus definitions file that will be community-sourced. - Save your calculator's date and time settings in a secure location, thus preserving it across RAM clears. Every time you run this program, the date/time are either silently re-saved (if later) or restored (if earlier). Upcoming Features: - Ability to view/modify virus definitions on calc. - A firewall to integrate with any networking protocols devised for the CE. - Program running hook to allow the virus scan or checksum scan to be run on a specific program before it runs (disable-able)
Author Anthony Cagliano (acagliano97@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 153,662 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 20 23:15:53 2018
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
blastccs/BlastCSS_UserGuide.pdf   140989
blastccs/AVDefs.8xv   328
blastccs/screens/settings.png   3268
blastccs/screens/mainmenu.png   3262
blastccs/screens/verify.png   812
blastccs/screens/scan.png   1054
blastccs/mainmenu.png   3471
blastccs/BLASTCSS.8xp   8977

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