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Allmath v7.14


Ranked as 863 on our all-time top downloads list with 18592 downloads.
Ranked as 7 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 156 downloads.

Filename allmath_84ce.zip (Download)
Title Allmath v7.14
Description Updated for TI-84 CE! Allmath is an all-inclusive math program that will calculate and do a variety of things (work and equations shown on most functions) including: complete the square, direct/indirect variation, number of solutions, midpoint, prime numbers, Pythagorean theorem, quadratic formula, slope, distance, vertex, area, volume, surface area, y intercept, Fibonacci sequence, circumference, average, simplified square roots, proportions, system of equations, distance of point to line, types of quadrilaterals, scientific notation, a point of an isosceles trapezoid, Pythagorean triples, law of sines/cosines, DMS, geometric mean, circle equation maker, lateral area, apothem finder, point-slope to Y-intercept, frustums, graphing without Y= format, graphing < and >, vector magnitude and direction, vector addition, and 3D distance, test for collinear points, 3D midpoint, sphere equation maker, distance of parallel lines, modulus, 3 variable system of equations, standard form to y intercept, cramers rule, 3 points to equation for parabola, graphing inequalities, All about conics (equation makers, details about, and etc.), logarithms of X base, iterations, sequences, sum of sequences, Cramer's Rule for a system of 3 equations. Allmath is compatible with MirageOS. This version is specific to TI-84+ C/CE calculators, for TI-83/84 calculators see corresponding version on ticalc directory. Recommended for Pre-algebra through Calculus. Version 7.14.
Author Edwin Howard (e12voltsdac@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size 11,674 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 1 16:37:02 2022
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Jarin Canar
Reviewed on 2023-04-15
This tool is amazing, it has all that you would want lol, i was suprized when i saw there were no reviews but if you have a ti 84 plus CE, this is so usefull, you can complete the sqare and other stuff.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Allmath.txt   3604
ALLMATH_84+CE.8xp   20749

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