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Vector Math (Final Version)(I hope!


Ranked as 20805 on our all-time top downloads list with 2843 downloads.
Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename vectormath.zip (Download)
Title Vector Math (Final Version)(I hope!
Description Update 3: I added the ability to work with 3 vectors at a time, including finding the 3 reaction forces to a 3-dimension force vector. Also, you can compute the Scalar Triple Product and Vector Triple Product directly. Update 2: I added the ability to multiply a vector by a scalar and took out some extraneous code that was no longer needed. Update: Fixed a bug in converting a vector to spherical form; in some cases it would not compute the correct theta angle. This is a complete recode of my program. You can work with 2- or 3-dimensional vectors. The menus are more user friendly and easier to get around in. It has the same functionality as the prior version and an entirely new calculation with vectors.
Author Don Phillips (don.phillips@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size 292,747 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 30 16:39:41 2019
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
VectorMath/VectorMath.8xp   4362
VectorMath/VectorMathCode.pdf   44636
VectorMath/Vector Math.pdf   298745

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