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Super Mario Smash Dance (2006)


Ranked as 37231 on our all-time top downloads list with 865 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename smsd.zip (Download)
Title Super Mario Smash Dance (2006)
Description If you ever played Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade or on consoles you should be familiar with this game. However unlike my previous game called xLIB xLIB Revolution which I released back in october 2005, SMSD has over 10 built in sim files, highscore system and maximum speed is 1.5x faster than XXR. In fast songs amount of arrows per seconds to perform can reach the 12s on SE calcs. As if it wasn't enough the game feature a battle mode where you have to take the enemy energy to 0 by hitting the items that replace the arrows sometimes. There is the good old Mushroom, flower and star items from Mario. Be careful to Goombas! There is various difficulty levels for some songs as well so be prepared for some challenges!
Author Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Reflex, Button-pushing)
File Size 15,390 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 4 02:10:59 2015
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
archive/Pic4.8xi   832
archive/SMSD1.8xp   4168
archive/SMSD2.8xp   4769
archive/SMSD3.8xp   2907
archive/SMSD5.8xp   160
archive/SMSD6.8xp   820
archive/SMSD7.8xp   1332
archive/SMSD9.8xp   2415
archive/xLIB.8xk   15034
RAM/Pic1.8xi   832
RAM/Pic2.8xi   832
RAM/Pic3.8xi   832
RAM/SMSD.8xp   397
RAM/SMSD0.8xp   353
RAM/SMSD8.8xp   148
PLZREADME11eleventyone111.txt   4907

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