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Ranked as 224 on our all-time top downloads list with 42072 downloads.
Ranked as 1879 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename pacman.zip (Download)
Title PacMan
Description PacMan v1.3 is a flash app for the TI84+C calculator. Send PacMan.8ck to your calculator using TI Connect and run it by pressing [APPS] and selecting PacMan. Use the arrow keys to control the direction of PacMan, press On to exit the app, and press F1 to pause the game. You start off with 3 lives to see how many points you can collect. You can get a bonus life at 10,000 points.
Author ~AssemblyBandit~ (briandm82@briandm82.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Flash Games
File Size 23,911 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Nov 11 01:06:19 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Alex Litzau
Reviewed on 2013-11-19
Wow! Nice work with this game! This is a very accurate port of the original.

A few good things:

- Very well-polished. This is one of my main criteria when deciding whether a program is a "keeper".

- If you're moving along and you press and release the key to turn before you reach the turn, the game remembers the key press and turns automatically when you reach the turn. I like this functionality.

A few minor flaws:

- The Pac-Man and ghost graphics are a little flickery.

- It's a little too easy. I didn't notice the levels getting any harder, as they do in the original game.

- Pac-Man has to be centered over dots to eat them. If only the front of Pac-Man's mouth is over a dot (and you turn around, for instance), it will not get eaten, which is a little deceptive. I'd recommend extending Pac-Man's dot-eating range.

Overall, I'd give this game 10/10. Keep up the good work AssemblyBandit!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PacMan.8ck   77472
Info.txt   943

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