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Quick Assembly SDK v2.0


Ranked as 34221 on our all-time top downloads list with 1343 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename qasm.zip (Download)
Title Quick Assembly SDK v2.0
Description This program takes a high level language of my creation and generates an optimized .asm version for compilation with most z80 compilers. Also it converts monochrome bitmaps to assembly or C files for z80, 68k, or C up to 320x240. The same QASM code can compile flawlessly for Ion (83 and 83+), Crash (82), MirageOS (83+), DoorsCS (83+), and regular 83, 83+, & 86. Some command line skill a prerequisite but very easy with xterm. Tested on Linux Ubuntu 12.04
Author William White (will_white25@hotmail.com)
Category Unix Utilities
File Size 36,671 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 13 06:43:54 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Robert Kuhfß
Reviewed on 2013-08-14
Sorry, but this is neither a high level language nor is any optimization done. It's just macros scripted in C and thus not even extensible.

Not very useful in my opinion. Please deliver a proper use case!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
qasm/QASM.html   7841
qasm/QASM.html~   8040
qasm/good tests/test82.asm   1316
qasm/good tests/test83.asm   1172
qasm/good tests/test86.asm   1145
qasm/good tests/test8X.asm   1254
qasm/good tests/testDCS.asm   1609
qasm/good tests/testIon83.asm   1227
qasm/good tests/testIon8X.asm   1313
qasm/good tests/testMOS.asm   1441
qasm/qasm   44996
qasm/qasm.c   34461
qasm/qasm.c~   34597
qasm/screen.GIF   1102
qasm/test.bmp   4158
qasm/test.txt   439

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