TI-Freakware's Converter
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tifc84pc.zip (Download)
TI-Freakware's Converter
This is version 2.0.4 of the TIFC. The previous version only supported roughly 68 conversions, took 4 programs and a picture variable, and was around 6kb in size. Version 2.0.X supports the usage of a single program, and boasts 708 conversions available in this single program of just over 7kb in size. It is also available for the TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+/84+ and TI-84+CSE, with the potential of being programmed on other calculators at a later date.
TIFreak8x (tifreak8x@hotmail.com)
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size
243,162 bytes
File Date and Time
Fri Sep 13 01:35:40 2013
Documentation Included?
Review by
Kerm Martian
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Even standing on its own, TI-Freakware's Converter is a solid TI-BASIC program. In the context of the improvements it brings over the previous version of the program, it shines even more. As an older, wiser, more experienced programmer, TI-Freak8x has brought his skills to bear on an older project of his, rewriting it from scratch for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (and other calculators too). This spiffy version uses quick, intuitive menus and judicious colors to let you convert numbers between just about any units you could possibly want. From volume to pressure to weight, most units you'll encounter in life, math, science, or engineering are right here. You enter a number, choose its original unit, and TIFC will spit out the number converted into a variety of different units. Not only does this support about 10x as many conversions as the previous version, it has also been consolidated into a single program file, which makes it much easier to manage (and transfer to your friends). An indispensable educational tool! |
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