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Scarth 2.0: Scorched Earth


Ranked as 2922 on our all-time top downloads list with 9151 downloads.
Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename scarth2.zip (Download)
Title Scarth 2.0: Scorched Earth
Description Scarth v2.0 is a scorched earth game for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, ported from my 2006 game, Scarth 1.0. Your tank and a calculator-controlled tank battle to the death in a collorful randomly-generated landscape, taking turns firing missiles at one another. For each shot, you can set the power and angle that you shoot at, but as you get damaged, your range decreases. This is the first known released interactive TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition TI-BASIC game using homescreen graphics.
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 4,027 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 14 01:59:26 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Connor Russell
Reviewed on 2013-11-18
As far as games go for the ti-84 plus cse, their aren't many to choose from. Even so, this is one of the few games that works well on the device.

Scarth 2.0: Scorched Earth is a well-designed tank battling game based on the classic game Scorched Earth. Even though the gameplay is slow because of Basic's capabilities, It still manages to keep players interested. The colours for the tanks, in my opinion, were a tad bland, so I went into the code and added come black, grey, and brown to make it look more realistic. I also designed an icon for DoorsCSE, but one straight from the creator would be nice.

Overall, this is a fun game for a calculator that has a small library of games. I give Scarth 2.0 Scorched Earth a 9 out of 10, since some of the colours are bland and the lack of a Doors icon. This is a must-have game for anyone who has the ti-84 plus cse.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
ZSCT2.8xp   398
ZSCT1.8xp   196
SCARTH.8xp   3253
ZSCT0.8xp   325
readme.txt   2354

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