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Ranked as 32683 on our all-time top downloads list with 1555 downloads.
Ranked as 5518 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename ztoolpack.zip (Download)
Title ZToolPack
Description ZToolPack is a small collection of useful and small assembly programs that I have made. In this collection you will find: ASMCall-Allows you to use asm hex codes in a BASIC program BSprt-Draw 8x8 sprites using X,Y and a hex string CopyProg-Copies variables from RAM or Archive to another var DataString-Converts a list to a string or visa versa DataType-Change variables to another type. Ex.: Pic to Str ListToReal-Copies list elements to real vars MultiGraphs-Manipulate 16 graphs/pics without using user RAM MultiPics-Manipulate any of 256 pictures with 6 functions Xtra-Get hacked vars and tokens (like Greek alphabet)
Author Zeda Thomas (xedaelnara@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 440,340 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 4 19:12:18 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ASMCall/A-Opcode.8xp   176
ASMCall/ASM.8xp   125
ASMCall/ASMCall.gif   24260
ASMCall/Readme.txt   2444
ASMCall/Source.txt   1516
bsprt/LCD Update/A1 (opcode).8xp   222
bsprt/LCD Update/BSPRT.8xp   144
bsprt/LCD Update/Opcode.txt   156
bsprt/No LCD Update/A1 (opcode).8xp   215
bsprt/No LCD Update/BSPRT.8xp   141
bsprt/No LCD Update/Opcode.txt   156
bsprt/Readme.txt   5494
bsprt/Screen Shots/Example 0.gif   53753
bsprt/Screen Shots/Graph.gif   1431
bsprt/Screen Shots/Input.gif   1765
CopyProg/COPYPROG.8xp   202
CopyProg/Example 0.gif   65965
CopyProg/Example 1.gif   139128
CopyProg/Opcode.txt   300
CopyProg/Pro Tips.txt   3618
CopyProg/Readme.txt   5216
datastring/Ideas.txt   571
datastring/Readme.txt   6624
datastring/Source.txt   3150
datastring/ZDS.8xp   206
DataType/A (Opcode).8xp   217
DataType/Data Types.txt   458
DataType/DATATYPE.8xp   142
DataType/Readme.txt   5294
DataType/Source.txt   3382
l2r/L2R.8xp   126
l2r/List To Real.txt   440
l2r/LS2R.8xp   155
l2r/Readme.txt   5692
MultiGraphs/_theta_BUF.8xp   168
MultiGraphs/A.8xp   274
MultiGraphs/Opcode.txt   220
MultiGraphs/Readme.txt   2569
MultiGraphs/SeeMe.gif   137537
MultiPics/_theta_PIC.8xp   194
MultiPics/A.8xp   316
MultiPics/Hex.txt   244
MultiPics/Readme.txt   6726
MultiPics/Screen Shots/Example.gif   114373
MultiPics/Screen Shots/RecallPic99.gif   1525
MultiPics/Screen Shots/StorePic99.gif   1494
MultiPics/Source&Opcode.txt   3171
xtra2/A10 (opcode).8xp   200
xtra2/Opcode.txt   302
xtra2/Readme.txt   6846
xtra2/XTRA.8xp   138
Readme.txt   1485

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