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PapiJump (2010)


Ranked as 1293 on our all-time top downloads list with 14497 downloads.
Ranked as 1774 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 12 downloads.
Ranked as 439 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.71.

Filename papijump.zip (Download)
Title PapiJump (2010)
Description A clone of the popular iPhone and iPod Touch game released by Sunflat Games in 2009 is now available for the TI-83 and 84 Plus! Featuring all the graphics and menus of the original game, including acceleration (to mimic tilting the iPhone screen), a parallax scrolling background, smooth scrolling, increasing difficulty, and high scores, it's almost exactly like the original. Click on the icon next to the file name to see screenshots! Compiled with Axe Parser v0.4.4.
Author Deep Toaster (deeptoaster@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 7,075 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 31 19:06:18 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Daphne 456456-Minec
Reviewed on 2018-10-01
I love this game! And I love being able to play this on the calculator in class. It's simple, yet addicting.

However, in the original Papi stayed up in the air for much longer... but I really don't have much of a problem with this as it makes the game harder. It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but I got it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PAPIJUMP.8xp   3610
README.txt   3461
src/APAPI.8xp   272
src/APAPIE.8xp   439
src/APAPII.8xp   157
src/APAPIM.8xp   218
src/APAPIR.8xp   579
src/APAPIS.8xp   1998
src/APAPIX.8xp   196
src/APAPIY.8xp   227

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