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globalCALCnet (gCn) Client v2.0


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Filename gcnclient.zip (Download)
Title globalCALCnet (gCn) Client v2.0
Description globalCALCnet or gCn allows calculators to network from two feet, two miles, or two thousand miles away. gCn consists of a client program that must be run on a computer, as well as a way to connect your calculator(s) and computers. This can be a mini-USB cable for a TI-84+ or TI-84+SE calculator. It can also be firmware loaded onto an Arduino or custom AVR to bridge between a CALCnet2.2 network and the computer running the gCnClient software. The gCnClient program provided in this zip is built for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi; the gCnBridge firmware images for the Arduino and USBID bridge designs are also included. A detailed PDF describes the installation and use of the required software, as well as plans and schematics for constructing the variations on the bridge. v2.0 adds full support for the direct USB (mini-USB) method of connecting TI-84+/SE calculators to gCn, as well as bug and stability fixes.
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 1,252,392 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 12 20:41:16 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
mac_gCnusbhid.kext.zip   1816
readme.txt   5164
gcn.pdf   664875
gcnbridge2_Arduino.168.hex   19511
gcnbridge2_Arduino.328.hex   19511
gcnbridge2_USBHID.168.hex   19086
gcnbridge2_USBHID.328.hex   19086
gcnclient.exe   1384451
gcnclient_macos   41124
gcnclient_ubuntu   285190
install-filter-win.exe   63488
libusb0.dll   67680
gcnclient_rpi   223521

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