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Formulum - Geometry/Math Program


Ranked as 4496 on our all-time top downloads list with 7476 downloads.
Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename formulum.zip (Download)
Title Formulum - Geometry/Math Program
Description Formulum is one of my most important achievements, an open-source program that calculates areas and volumes of geometric figures and solids given values like the radium or the height. So, the user gets a fast response of what the volume of a sphere is, simply by entering the radium. I try to optimize my scripts as much as I can so that programs run fastly and smoothly, just like every computer user wants. Since Formulum is open source, everyone can edit it and make new versions. However, official versions are released by me only. Save it in MyLib folder. Also, this is version 2.3, not 2.2 unlike the name of the folder. Again, save it in MyLib folder.
Author David Gomes (davidrafagomes@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire BASIC Math Programs
File Size 100,588 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Dec 10 08:53:11 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
formulum2.3/circleareasolve.gif   17593
formulum2.3/conevolumesolve.gif   26964
formulum2.3/formulum2.3.tns   2284
formulum2.3/mainscreenie.gif   34897
formulum2.3/readme&changelog.txt   824
formulum2.3/spherevolumesolve.gif   21446

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