Ranked as 34001 on our all-time top downloads list with 1377 downloads. Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
William Park
Reviewed on
ChemMass is much better than all the BASIC molar mass calculators out there. Being an ASM program, it's actually possible to use ChemMass to get molar mass within a BASIC program (like a stoichiometry solver). It also is much faster and easier to use than the BASIC calculators, since you are able to use it from the homescreen and even within strings (something I had not predicted). Its usage is simple: type a ? with the substance name (eg. ?CuSO4) and press Enter. ChemMass will return the molar mass (in this case, 159.61).
However, ChemMass has two problems that prevent me from keeping it on my calculator. It uses appbackupscreen for installing a hook, which almost every other ASM program with hooks uses. However, in my experience, installing CalcUtil on top of it uninstalled ChemMass's hook, meaning you are unable to use any other ASM libraries. Additionally, while you can call ChemMass from a BASIC program, for some reason, BASIC programs over a certain size fail to execute, regardless of whether ChemMass is used within the program, with only a simple "Done" displayed. Running the BASIC program from a shell such as DoorsCS and MirageOS only crash the calculator, forcing a RAM clear.
While ChemMass certainly is a useful program, its (admittedly major) problems prevent me from recommending it for every chemistry student.
Overall score - 7/10 |
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