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Mystique: La Larme du Dragon (2002)


Ranked as 32635 on our all-time top downloads list with 1561 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename mystique.zip (Download)
Title Mystique: La Larme du Dragon (2002)
Description This is one of my older RPGs that isn't part of any other series I made and it's only in French. However, if you know French, the gameplay is very similar in style to the late Illusiat games, so if you liked Illusiat series, then you should enjoy this game too. The story for the first two chapters, as well as the names, are from WHX Productions, but since the guy quit halfway through development I continued the rest alone afterward.
Authors Danny Cloutier ()
Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 26,546 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 4 02:13:37 2015
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   1254
Archive/M2.8xp   3789
Archive/M3.8xp   2966
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Archive/M5.8xp   3818
Archive/M6.8xp   3978
Archive/Pic1.8xi   832
Archive/Pic2.8xi   832
Archive/Pic3.8xi   832
Archive/Pic4.8xi   832
Archive/Pic5.8xi   832
Archive/Pic6.8xi   832
Archive/Pic7.8xi   832
Archive/Pic8.8xi   832
RAM/M1.8xp   3680
RAM/MA.8xp   3217
RAM/MB.8xp   4634
RAM/MC.8xp   2225
RAM/MD.8xp   620
RAM/ME.8xp   1693
RAM/MF.8xp   722
RAM/MG.8xp   111
RAM/MM.8xp   2435
RAM/MT.8xp   362
RAM/MYSTIQUE.8xp   1719

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