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Nspire8x v0.03.0001


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Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename nspire8x.zip (Download)
Title Nspire8x v0.03.0001
Description Nspire8x is a TI-84 Plus/Silver Edition Flash application that allows communication with a TI-Nspire or TI-Nspire CAS calculator. It can query device information (such as boot1/boot2 versions, product IDs, free RAM/ROM, etc.), sports a basic file browser, and contains a near-complete implementation of the NavNet link protocol, enabling for file management and OS installation from a connected TI-84 Plus/Silver Edition. It also contains a port of the Ndless PC installer, allowing arbitrary ARM code execution on the connected TI-Nspire/CAS device.
Author Brandon Wilson (brandonlw@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size 261,083 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 27 09:36:17 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Nspire8x.8xk   38047
convert/.svn/all-wcprops   466
convert/.svn/entries   714
convert/.svn/format   2
convert/.svn/text-base/convtno.bat.svn-base   87
convert/.svn/text-base/convtns.bat.svn-base   87
convert/.svn/text-base/readme.txt.svn-base   436
convert/convtno.bat   87
convert/convtns.bat   87
convert/readme.txt   436
convert/tools/.svn/all-wcprops   601
convert/tools/.svn/entries   870
convert/tools/.svn/format   2
convert/tools/.svn/prop-base/To8XV.exe.svn-base   53
convert/tools/.svn/prop-base/To8XV.pdb.svn-base   53
convert/tools/.svn/text-base/To8XV.exe.svn-base   128000
convert/tools/.svn/text-base/To8XV.pdb.svn-base   28160
convert/tools/.svn/text-base/base.tno.svn-base   2
convert/tools/.svn/text-base/base.tns.svn-base   2
convert/tools/To8XV.exe   128000
convert/tools/To8XV.pdb   28160
convert/tools/base.tno   2
convert/tools/base.tns   2
ndless/NspireCAS/copier.8xv   232
ndless/NspireCAS/demo.8xv   13734
ndless/NspireCAS/hook.8xv   906
ndless/NspireCAS/loader.8xv   5270
ndless/Nspire/copier.8xv   232
ndless/Nspire/demo.8xv   13738
ndless/Nspire/hook.8xv   906
ndless/Nspire/loader.8xv   5270
ndless/license.txt   26227
ndless/readme.txt   318
readme.txt   2228
source/Nspire8x.asm   5216
source/Nspire8x.zws   2918
source/add.asm   7010
source/browser.asm   7807
source/callback.asm   2831
source/equates.inc   6256
source/get.asm   4702
source/getinfo.asm   4484
source/header.asm   1384
source/interfaces.asm   4672
source/logview.asm   9917
source/navnet.asm   6734
source/ndless.asm   12626
source/new.asm   4047
source/nspire8x.inc   2
source/packet.asm   16828
source/peripheralhook.asm   17780
source/peripherallow.asm   14648
source/periphtest.asm   5034
source/processing.asm   10350
source/requests.asm   34471
source/settings.inc   1384
source/ti83plus.inc   269924
source/usb8x.inc   13668
source/util.asm   12654

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