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Ranked as 33626 on our all-time top downloads list with 1425 downloads.

Filename bibliothque.zip (Download)
Title Biblio
Description Biblio is short for Bibliothèque which is french for "Library" which is what this program deals with. This will compile a list of assembly opcodes into an assembly library like EnPro. This has three methods for creating libraries, each with its own advantages and each modeled after my own assembly-made libraries. Also, includes 3 examples and 21 opcodes.
Author Zeda Thomas (xedaelnara@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 24,049 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 7 19:17:16 2010
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
BibliothŠque/BIBLIO.8xp   828
BibliothŠque/Celtic 3.8xk   36452
BibliothŠque/Example/Basic method/LIB.8xp   404
BibliothŠque/Example/Basic method/LIBRARY.8xp   309
BibliothŠque/Example/Basic method/Readme.txt   1353
BibliothŠque/Example/Commands.txt   755
BibliothŠque/Example/Tech Method/LIB.8xp   386
BibliothŠque/Example/Tech Method/LIBRARY.8xp   365
BibliothŠque/Example/Tech Method/Readme.txt   1377
BibliothŠque/Example/Zeda Method/LIB.8xp   386
BibliothŠque/Example/Zeda Method/LIBRARY.8xp   458
BibliothŠque/Example/Zeda Method/Readme.txt   1377
BibliothŠque/Extra.txt   2928
BibliothŠque/Readme.txt   5520

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