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Rename Files


Ranked as 36317 on our all-time top downloads list with 1048 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename rename.zip (Download)
Title Rename Files
Description This program takes care of the tedious parts of renaming programs. Simply type in the name of the original program, the new program name and this program will create a new file, copy over the code, delete the original program and then go through every other file on the calculator replacing any reference to the old file with a reference to the new file. Makes it much easier to rename files without worrying about changing every miniscule thing. Enabled by Celtic 3.
Author Jonah Scheinerman (jonah@scheinerman.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Memory)
File Size 148,375 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 6 01:02:08 2009
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Rename/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Rename/._.DS_Store   82
Rename/Celtic3/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Rename/Celtic3/._.DS_Store   82
Rename/Celtic3/8xk_bin/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Rename/Celtic3/8xk_bin/._.DS_Store   82
Rename/Celtic3/8xk_bin/CELTIC3.8xk   36215
Rename/Celtic3/8xk_bin/CELTIC3.hex   37919
Rename/Celtic3/_ASMBL.BAT   259
Rename/Celtic3/_asmhex.bat   1035
Rename/Celtic3/_CFN.z80   37914
Rename/Celtic3/_HKH.z80   14124
Rename/Celtic3/_PFN.z80   26329
Rename/Celtic3/_STD.z80   25072
Rename/Celtic3/_UFN.z80   836
Rename/Celtic3/_UTL.z80   41950
Rename/Celtic3/_XFN.z80   45162
Rename/Celtic3/CELTIC3.asm   13344
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/._.DS_Store   82
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/._.DS_Store   82
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/8xp_bin/AINSTALL.8xp   110
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/AInsRead.txt   1694
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/DevMan.txt   4667
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/ErrCodes.txt   1701
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/ExecHEX.txt   2895
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/__STD.z80   34218
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/_SPRITE2.z80   395
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/info.txt   350
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/FunStuff.txt   3238
Rename/Celtic3/MOREINFO/Tokens.txt   21677
Rename/Celtic3/ReadME.txt   80240
Rename/ReadME.txt   1359
Rename/RENAME.8xp   842
__MACOSX/Rename/._RENAME.8xp   82

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