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Ranked as 71 on our all-time top downloads list with 92419 downloads.
Ranked as 25 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 63 downloads.
Ranked as 442 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.71.

Filename pacman.zip (Download)
Title Pacman
Description An adaptation of the classic Pacman for the TI-83/84. It's like having an arcade in your pocket! Zoom through 7 exciting levels and try to beat the high score. It also gets very addicting so please play responsibly!
Author kevin horowitz (--@--.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 23,069 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 27 11:13:01 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Barry McNamara
Reviewed on 2012-09-21
Gameplay: 4/5

No power pellets, only three ghosts, non-traditional map, and it runs a bit slow, but it is Pac-Man on the TI-84+ with no game-breaking flaws.

Controls: 4/5

Not perfect, but good for Pac-Man

Graphics: 3/5

Satisfactory. No greyscale, but I think after seeing too many ultra-light games I'm in the mood for some black and white. I like how Pac-Man is animated.

Interface: 2/5

I'm giving it such a low score because the MirageOS one was apparently incompatible with my (fully updated) TI-84+ and I had to send over the ion program. It's a good size though and has high scores.

Replayability: 4/5

Hey, it's Pac-Man and there's high scores. Not as fun as the real thing but can get you through those boring days in math class.

Average: 3.4/5

Overall: 3/5

Average game and probably the better Pac-Man game out there. I wrote this review because Pac-Man 99 was bothering me. Pac-Man 99 has so many more features (scrolling map, 4 ghosts, faster, power pellets) but yet missed what makes a good game. This one lacks in features but is far more fun to play. If thee two designers would work together to make a Pac-Man game that's just like the original that would amazing but I don't see that happening. As for now, this is the Pac-Man game of choice.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   1056
Ion/PACMAN.8xp   3417
MirageOS/PACMAN.8xp   3446
No Shell/PACMAN.8xp   3407
Source Code/PacMan.z80   25200
Source Code/PacMan_Ion.z80   25285
Source Code/PacMan_MOS.z80   25796

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