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Ranked as 25079 on our all-time top downloads list with 2394 downloads.

Filename avalanche.zip (Download)
Title Avalanche
Description *Titanium Compatible* This is a copy of Avalanche that you can play on addictinggames.com. You climb falling blocks to get as high as you can without dieing. You die by being squished by a block, or falling in the acid that slowly rises. Enjoy!
Author Andrew Vauter (afvauter@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 200,935 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 27 04:50:55 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Nick Bray
Reviewed on 2009-03-08
Avalanche has quickly become one of my favorite calculator games. The gameplay is incredibly addicting, so much so that I played until I got over 1100 feet high. You play as what could either be a marshmallow or a Chiclet (my friends have dubbed it "the marshmallow game") and must jump over falling blocks without getting fried by the lava.

This is a great replica of the Flash game, and I love the bouncing physics: When you jump while touching the side of a block, you either jump again or, if you're unlucky, float down very slowly. While it is a great game as is, it could use some improvements. There are often glitches wherein trying to jump while trapped results in teleporting outside the block cage, jumping into the bottoms of blocks results in randomly flying upward, etc. Otherwise, an excellent game. Keep up the good work, Mr. Vauter. How about Final Fantasy or Guitar Hero next?


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Archive Contents
Name Size
avalanche.89z   8937
avalanche.tpr   1199
main.c   13239
ReadMe.txt   991
SS1.GIF   215449

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