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Ranked as 1134 on our all-time top downloads list with 15692 downloads.
Ranked as 2274 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.
Ranked as 266 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.23.

Filename bbcbasic.zip (Download)
Title BBC BASIC (Z80)
Description This package contains a TI-83+ and TI-84+ version of Richard Russell's Z80 implementation of BBC BASIC. BBC BASIC is a fast, powerful and flexible dialect of BASIC, with support for named re-entrant procedures and functions, inline assembly routines, direct access to hardware ports and memory and a large library of built-in statements and functions. Programs can be edited on the calculator using BBC BASIC's interactive command-line or on your PC using the supplied editor (Windows/.NET) or command-line converter (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X via Mono). A reference is included by way of documentation along with some sample programs.
Authors Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Richard T. Russell ()
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size 894,761 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Nov 27 03:40:08 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Jens Renders
Reviewed on 2014-06-22
This language is simply amazing when compared to the standard on TI calc's, TI-BASIC. It surprises me that this is so little known. It's syntax is very much like TI-Basic, it is just as easy to learn, but it is so much faster! To illustrate: I wrote a simple primality test in both TI-BASIC ans BBCBASIC. The result were 2 programs that looked almost exactly the same, except for the missing modulo operator in TI-BASIC that had to be worked around. Then I tested them worth with the prime number 1235321. TI-BASIC took 12.3 seconds, BBCBASIC took only 1.7 seconds! Apart from speed, BBCBASIC also features the defining of functions, a very useful missing feature of TI-BASIC. It does take longer to type on calculator, because you cannot select the commands from menus like in TI-BASIC, but it is not that much work and you get fast at typing them. You can also program it on PC if you want.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Converter/BBCBasicConverter.exe   38912
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Converter/README.txt   1092
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Editor/BBC BASIC File Editor.exe   135168
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Editor/BBC BASIC File Editor.exe.config   4954
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Editor/SciLexer.dll   408576
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC File Editor/ScintillaNet.dll   558080
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC.8xk   117480
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/BBC BASIC.chm   346105
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/CHANGES.txt   174578
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/HISTORY.txt   2677
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/LICENCE.txt   967
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/README.txt   2819
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/CPM/ANIMAL.8xp   3083
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/CPM/ANIMAL.8xv   1356
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/CPM/MERGE.8xp   751
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/CPM/SORT.8xp   1929
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/CPM/SORTREAL.8xp   2011
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/ASMAPI.8xp   507
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/CALENDAR.8xp   1677
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/CLOCK.8xp   654
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/CUBE.8xp   903
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/DDE2TXT.8xp   607
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/GFXDEMO.8xp   2218
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/MANDEL.8xp   512
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/MINES.8xp   5058
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/MOUSE.8xp   695
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/NIBBLES.8xp   3065
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/SIERPINS.8xp   364
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/SPIGOTPI.8xp   700
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/TILEMAP.8xp   3364
BBC BASIC (Z80) - TI-83+/Samples/TI-83+/UBOUND.8xp   788

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