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Fun anim / animation drole funny !


Ranked as 32506 on our all-time top downloads list with 1579 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename funanim.zip (Download)
Title Fun anim / animation drole funny !
Description Ce petit programme (369 octets) n'est pas vraiment utile ^^. C'est plutôt pour le fun : en effet, c'est plutôt un écran de veille ou ce genre de chose. Ce ne sont que des boucles "for" et des "line". De plus, le programme, à la fin, "dégrade" l'image, pour la voir autrement ! Fun ! This little program (369 bytes) is not very useful ^^. It's just for fun : actually, it's just a screensaver or something like that. It's just based on "for" loops and "line" basic commands. At the end of the anim, the image just semi-destoys itself, bye deleting 1 line of 2 ! Funny !
Author Adriweb (adrienbertrand@msn.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Animations, 'Screen Savers')
File Size 1,093 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 26 23:01:38 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
FUNANIM.8xp   369
FUNANIM.txt   1174

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