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Metroid Pi


Ranked as 6794 on our all-time top downloads list with 6057 downloads.
Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 7 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 9.18.

Filename metroidpi.zip (Download)
Title Metroid Pi
Description Metroid Pi revolutionizes Pure Basic RPG's. It balances perfect graphics with speed and gameplay. With 11 different types of enemies, 4 powerups, Pure Basic grayscale, 3 bosses, 3 scrolling graphscreen cutscenes, several large blocks of storyline, and a character whose appearance changes with the technological advances she receives, this is one Pure Basic RPG you can't missed! Based on Super Speler's Zoith and Fred Spark's Metroid Pure, Metroid Pi makes several improvements on both, the most notable of which is large speed boosts. It stretches Pure Basic's underestimated limits to never-before-seen extremes! SE recommended.
Author Robert Moy (harrierfalcon32@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 388,850 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 26 05:31:20 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Elyassin mana
Reviewed on 2018-01-08
Wow ! Excellent !

I played in a TI-82Advanced (15 MhZ) and it's pretty very fast... I like the level design and... how have you "graph" the characters ? It's not really text-based, but graphic and speed with ennemies, rarely seen in TI-Basic !!!

Playability : 10/10 (Very speed)

Re-playability : I haven't finished it :/

Difficulty : 6/10

Game : 9/10

Just it's miscategorized ! It's not at all an RPG game, it's a platformer game !!!

Congrats also for the PC logo.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadmeFiles/Char.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/Grav.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/Gun.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/Hyper.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/Logo.png   57184
ReadmeFiles/Save.bmp   1074
ReadmeFiles/Shock.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/SuperCharged.bmp   270
ReadmeFiles/Thumbs.db   9728
If You Can't See the Images Extract The HTML and Folder.txt   22
METRDPI.8xg   17143
screen0.gif   613196
Readme.html   5857

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