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Design 3D v4.2 (for TI 83/84plus only)


Ranked as 18453 on our all-time top downloads list with 3124 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename design3d3.zip (Download)
Title Design 3D v4.2 (for TI 83/84plus only)
Description Design 3D is one of the biggest and most powerfull 3D editor availble for the TI-83/84plus. It's easy to use, and it has more features than you can dream of. In fact, you can easily make your own features if you are a little skilled in TI-BASIC. Some of the features in Design 3D is a 16-page user manual, an on-calc fully featured help file, 7 saveslots, 5 render modes (including Perspective), both a visual and table-based editor, 3D rotation, the ability to make a 10-frame animation and a ton of other features! With a RAM requirement of only 4000 bytes (thanks to module usage), it is well worth a try.
Authors Frode van der Meeren (fvdm1992@yahoo.no)
Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (3-D)
File Size 127,437 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 15 19:07:59 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Jon Sturm
Reviewed on 2007-08-03
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

THis is a great graphics program and has many great features making it very easy to make good 3D pictures on your calculator. A few optimizations could be made to reduce the size but other than that it is amazing. This is definitely worth the download. It is very user friendly—the readme explains everything you need to know to use this program.

Overall: 8/10

It is a great program but the size could go down a little.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Design 3D version 4/D1E.8xl   400
Design 3D version 4/D1S.8xl   400
Design 3D version 4/D1X.8xl   256
Design 3D version 4/D1Y.8xl   256
Design 3D version 4/D1Z.8xl   256
Design 3D version 4/D3DCONV.8xp   200
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPA.8xp   2812
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPB.8xp   3166
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPC.8xp   2693
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPD.8xp   1951
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPE.8xp   83
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPF.8xp   375
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPH.8xp   3055
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPM.8xp   822
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPN.8xp   116
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPO.8xp   1186
Design 3D version 4/D3DGRPQ.8xp   1351
Design 3D version 4/D3DJMP.8xp   269
Design 3D version 4/D3DJMPA.8xp   623
Design 3D version 4/d3djmpa.z80   2241
Design 3D version 4/DESIGN3D.8xp   198
Design 3D version 4/Manual.doc   172544
Design 3D version 4/Plug-in modules.txt   5149
Design 3D version 4/Readme.txt   27998

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