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Ranked as 21005 on our all-time top downloads list with 2819 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 498 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.52.

Filename xpegz.zip (Download)
Title xPegz
Description xPegz is my next-gen hybrid basic clone of Pegs. Based on a much faster engine, xPegz runs faster than Pegz but only a tad slower than the its original counterpart. However, it makes up for this with a powerful level editor, which allows you to make external level packs to give to friends. It also compensates with 8 built-in levels (4 by me, 4 by nitacku, which I may note are extremely challenging) along with virtually infinite levels. Other powerful Asm utilities have been utilized, mainly CELTIC2, LIST, and VARTEST, so as to eliminate errors that would be impossible to prevent in Pure Basic. Requires xLIB .601b or higher.
Author Robert Moy (harrierfalcon32@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Strategy)
File Size 386,937 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 5 03:40:57 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Benjamin Orenstein
Reviewed on 2007-05-11
xPegz is a version of the clasic calculator game Pegz written in Basic with the help of xLib. It contains all the original levels from the Flash version as well as some new ones written by Harrierfalcon and Nitacku and even an external level editor.

Graphics: 9/10

The original graphics from pegz were used.

Gameplay: 10/10

With the level editor you can make your own levels and then play them as well as share them with freinds.

Speed: 8/10

While the speed is great on my 84+, I can see it getting a little sluggish on a normal 83+. It also loses a point because of a slight delay in menu background when a button is pressed.

Overall: 9/10

The game is great and you should download it.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PEGZ.8xg   12834
PEGZPICS.8xg   10313
EXTRACT.8xp   317
xPegz.gif   462444
Don'tReadMe!.txt   8305
xPegz2.8xk   21545

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