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Stats, Statistics -Estadísticas-


Ranked as 9623 on our all-time top downloads list with 4889 downloads.
Ranked as 12505 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename stats_36.zip (Download)
Title Stats, Statistics -Estadísticas-
Description [ENGLISH] STATS (Statistics) gathers a series of programs and functions to facilitate the statistical analysis and the edition of lists. Based on the Texas Instruments FLASH APP, with the difference that occupies much less space and altogether with the Hail application by Samuel Stearly it becomes a great alternative. It has a list editor, does operations between lists, regressions, analysis in one and two variables, distributions (StatLite 1,02) and much more .[ESPAÑOL] STATS (Estadística) reúne una serie de programas y funciones para facilitar el análisis estadístico y la edición de listas. Está basado en la aplicación FLASH APP de Texas Instruments, con la diferencia que ocupa mucho menos espacio y en conjunto con la aplicación Hail por Samuel Stearly se convierte en una gran alternativa. Cuenta con un editor de listas, operaciones entre listas, regresiones, análisis en una y dos variables, distribuciones (StatLite 1.02) y mucho más!.
Author David F Suescun Ramirez (dashja@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Statistics)
File Size 458,690 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 31 04:02:20 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/abr.V2I   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/abrirecs.v2p   1979
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/abrirref.v2p   2560
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/acercade.v2p   670
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/bvars_fm.89p   1760
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/compecs.v2p   1289
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/comprimi.v2p   1215
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/decompri.v2p   1125
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/ejecu.92i   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/expr2.v2f   724
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/expr3.v2f   598
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Manual de Flib en Espa¤ol/Flib Functions.89t   24644
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Manual de Flib en Espa¤ol/Flib Functions.89y   14202
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Manual de Flib en Espa¤ol/Funciones Flib.html   57006
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Manual de Flib en Espa¤ol/Readme.html   28533
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-89/Flib.89z   7871
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-89/Flib2.89z   7971
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-92 y 92p/Flib.9xz   7873
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-92 y 92p/Flib2.9xz   7971
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-v200/Flib.9xz   7873
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Flib/Ti-v200/Flib2.9xz   7971
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/getnames.89z   317
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/gua.92i   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/history.txt   9424
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/L‚eme.html   68866
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/Readme.html   77989
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/Ti-89/hail.89z   28809
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/Ti-89/haildata.89z   1529
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/Ti-92 y Ti-v200/hail.9xz   28597
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/Hail/Ti-92 y Ti-v200/haildata.9xz   1549
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/herr.V2I   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/instalar.v2p   1858
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/listaspo.v2f   1043
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/nue.V2I   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/ops.v2p   2519
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/prognomb.v2p   716
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/sa.V2I   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/selecuac.v2p   2351
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/solver.v2p   6189
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/solverp.v2p   7931
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/varvalid.v2p   767
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/vercalc.v2p   483
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/verecua.v2p   3853
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Arching 1.2/vol.V2I   127
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/data.v2y   9011
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Dist.89p   5706
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Editor.89p   769
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Estad¡sticas 1.0 beta4.pdf   312658
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-89/daisuke89.89y   1359
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-89/id.89z   7045
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-89/Leame.txt   136
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-92/daisuke.9xy   1359
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-92/Leame.txt   103
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-92/main.id.9xz   7045
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-v200/daisuke.9xy   1359
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-v200/Leame.txt   103
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Extra/Ti-v200/main.id.v2z   7045
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/instalar.v2p   1184
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/readme.txt   492
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Regres.V2P   2863
Stats v 1.0 beta 1/Stats.89p   12050

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