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Conway's Game of Life!


Ranked as 11376 on our all-time top downloads list with 4391 downloads.
Ranked as 2807 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename conway.zip (Download)
Title Conway's Game of Life!
Description This program will simulate the famed cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970, "The Game of Life". It features a fast algorithm in which i estimate ~10fps for 83(+) and up to ~25fps for SE calcs. Supports TIOS PIC's (in RAM or Archive), has 4 speeds and an infinite yet enclosed universe via screen wrapping (can toggle on/off). Example PIC's included.
Author Patrick Prendergast (tr1p1ea@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs (Ion)
File Size 551,967 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 22 04:23:34 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on 2007-03-22
"Conway's Game of Life!" is a true replication of the original. I do believe that this on-calc version runs substantially faster than even versions on my computer! Some things do bug me, though.

In order to start the program, one has to first draw a picture using normal TI-OS commands and store it to a PicX variable. This just seems tacky to me. It would be nice if the user could start out with a blank screen in the program and draw the starting picture. Of course, PicX variable support should still exist.

I also don't like the way the program immediately "jumps" into the manipulation stage. It would be nice if, for a few seconds (or until a keypress), the program displayed the screen that was about to be manipulated before the actual manipulation began.

Also, the program automatically sets itself to wrap the screen every time the user runs the manipulation stage. This gets annoying, and I find myself having to press 2nd, MATH very quickly in order to keep the results true. Ideally, the program would allow the user to set up some starting criteria when he/she first runs the program.

The last thing I would like to see is the ability to skip one frame at a time. I see this is already done with the "Min" time speed, but this is in a time-based manner - every 1-2 seconds or so, a new screen is displayed. If the user has to leave the game a minute for some reason, he/she would miss part of the manipulation. By adding the ability to go forward one frame at a time, this would be avoided. This setting could be controlled by the arrow buttons, and it could also go along with the starting criteria - maybe in an "Options" screen.

This is the first game of its type that I've seen for the 83+/SE. As I see the game now, though, I look at it as if it were in beta stages. The game feels really incomplete to me. If these options were added, the game would feel much more similar to the original. For this stage, though, great game nonetheless!

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Archive Contents
Name Size
conway/readme.txt   5000
conway/83/PIC09.83I   830
conway/83/CONWAY.83P   2584
conway/83/PIC08.83I   830
conway/83/PIC07.83I   830
conway/83/PIC06.83I   830
conway/83+/PIC09.8XI   844
conway/83+/CONWAY.8XP   2596
conway/83+/PIC07.8XI   844
conway/83+/PIC08.8XI   844
conway/83+/PIC06.8XI   844
conway/Screenshots/scr1.gif   2355
conway/Screenshots/scr2.gif   30686
conway/Screenshots/scr3.gif   300196
conway/Screenshots/scr4.gif   66155
conway/Screenshots/scr5.gif   257590

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