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Sudoku v1.0


Ranked as 10221 on our all-time top downloads list with 4716 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename sudoku06.zip (Download)
Title Sudoku v1.0
Description This is probably the most advanced sudoku game out there. It includes TOTALLY RANDOM generated sudokus. Be warned, this is not pseudo-random sudokus that are simply the same puzzle with different numbers, but RANDOM SUDOKUS. It is highly unlikely you will ever get the same sudoku twice. It also includes a possibilities feature, which allows you to sketch in possible numbers for every box. You can also save and load sudokus. Have fun, and send comments/suggestions.
Author Robert Moy (harrierfalcon32@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Number)
File Size 55,329 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 27 19:02:38 2007
Documentation Included? No



Review by  CJ Metxger
Reviewed on 2009-03-17
Although the game comes with the great options of sub-numbers, save features, hints, and a simple, clean look, it lacks the basic features of a Sudoku game that would make this program fantastic visually and functionally, such as:

-Using less memory. It is entirely possible to make a Sudoku game without having the overwrite protection with two matrices and no lists.

-Self-defining the Matrices it uses and making SURE there's no conflict (for example trying to unarchive your saved matrix when it doesn't exist)

-And most importantly, making sure you can't overwrite the numbers that were originally there. This is a big problem in this version: if you accidentally press a number over one that was originally intended to be permanent, then you can never finish the game if you don't remember EXACTLY where it was and what number it was as well.

On the plus side, he gives us lots of cool features that work pretty nicely, and greatly enhance game play. The thing that struck me the most was the sub-numbers! Even though you can't save them, it is still really neat how the program performs it, and I hope he improves upon it to save space.

The programming is alright, but he bases everything off of the label system, which is unnecessary. You can make an entire program a lot shorter and run faster if you don't use labels. Plus, his labels and ordering are so complicated that if he wanted to go back and change his code, it would be quite a hindrance.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SUDOKU.8xp   4051
Readme.txt   2867
AniScreen.gif   135912

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