Rogue Squadron :: Phoenix Rising
Ranked as 17255 on our all-time top downloads list with 3281 downloads. Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads. Ranked as 414 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.79.
Review by
Lincoln Bergeson
Reviewed on
This game is classic. If you like Phoenix, you will like this game, probably more than you like Phoenix. Because this game pretty much is the same thing as Phoenix, but with better user interface design.
However, this game also suffers from the same drawbacks as phoenix. This game is still freaking hard. I still haven't gotten past stage three, and I still haven't gotten the photon torpedoes, just like the original. *sigh*...
Download this game if you like to play Phoenix. |
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Archive Contents
asm.bat | 767 |
build.bat | 121 |
build82.bat | 356 |
build83.bat | 281 |
build85.bat | 204 |
build86.bat | 173 |
builddcs.bat | 162 |
buildmir.bat | 157 |
bullets.asm | 5585 |
collide.asm | 2159 |
CRASM.BAT | 492 |
data.asm | 974 |
disp12.asm | 5435 |
disp16.asm | 7426 |
drwspr.asm | 9594 |
ebullets.asm | 6801 |
Edit-82.asm | 1971 |
emove.asm | 13744 |
enemies.asm | 4201 |
enemyhit.asm | 9179 |
eshoot.asm | 9609 |
exchange.asm | 1310 |
extlev12.asm | 7523 |
extlev16.asm | 2877 |
helper.asm | 3410 |
hityou.asm | 3418 |
images.asm | 13481 |
init.asm | 5445 |
internal.txt | 9772 |
keys.i | 614 |
levels.asm | 12994 |
levels.txt | 22481 |
lib.asm | 2463 |
lib12.asm | 2146 |
lib16.asm | 2457 |
main12.asm | 4042 |
main16.asm | 3946 |
main82.asm | 1979 |
main83.asm | 2359 |
main85.asm | 3039 |
main86.asm | 7212 |
maindcs.asm | 2874 |
mainmir.asm | 2731 |
mainven.asm | 2270 |
PHOENIX.8XP | 8557 |
phoenixz.i | 4862 |
player12.asm | 3768 |
player16.asm | 3971 |
README.txt | 25107 |
score12.asm | 7066 |
score16.asm | 7175 |
shoot.asm | 4128 |
shop12.asm | 6273 |
shop16.asm | 5196 |
title12.asm | 7874 |
title16.asm | 8152 |
vars.asm | 2648 |